US to Metric Conversions

ounces to grams
multiply ounce figure by 28.3 to get number of grams
grams to ounces
multiply gram figure by .0353 to get number of ounces
pounds to gram
multiply pound figure by 453.59 to get number of grams
pounds to kilograms
multiply pounds by 0.45 to get number of kilograms
ounces to milliliters
multiply ounce figure by 30 to get number of milliliters
cups to liters
multiply cup figure by 0.24 to get number of liters
Fahrenheit to Celsius
subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit figure,multiply by 5, then divid by 9 to get Celsius figure
Celsius to Fahrenheit
multiply Celsius figure by 9, divide by 5,then add 32 to get Fahrenheit figure
Inches to centimeters
multiply inches by 2.54 to get number of centimeters
centimeters to inches
multiply centimeter figure by .39 to get number of inches